If you weren’t a jewellery designer, you’d probably be a

If you weren’t a jewellery designer, you’d probably be a


Your favourite colour is … changing. At the moment, it’s green.

Your first childhood memory is … a teddy bear bigger than myself.

Five people – dead or alive – you’d invite to your dream birthday party … David Bowie, Simone de Beauvoir, Alexander McQueen, Anne Imhof, Sigmar Polke, Elsa Schiaparelli, and my friend Jeanette who’d make the conversation roll when I’m sitting in the corner, starstruck.

What makes you laugh … almost everything. I laugh a lot.

Your favourite dish … oysters, green papaya salad and tartare. Pure ‘raw food’.

What did you dream about becoming when you were a child … an archaeologist – I found digging in the soil and looking for finds from the past fascinating.

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